Image: Bia Davou, [Newspaper Collage], 1991, mixed media, 39.2 x 29.2cm.
Friday, October 25, 2024
4:00 – 6:00 PM
Spangen Buurtkrant: Launch of Edition #2
Just before the summer holidays, the first edition of our new neighbourhood newspaper fell on the doormats of everyone in Spangen. Written, edited and published by a group of locals, the newspaper is the first time this area has a publication of our own. We’re excited to host the launch of the second issue, which will include musicals performances by KidzzFamily and Tanisha, drinks, snacks by local cafés and, of course, the newspaper itself!
KIDZZFAMILY consists of four nieces from the neighbourhood Spangen who spread happiness and positivity with their music and performance.
TANISHA, born and raised in Rotterdam, developed her love for music at a young age. During her teens, she studied at the Havo for Music and Dance, where she developed her talent. In the church she joined the children’s choir and that’s where the band Young Talents was created. They performed mainly with Cape Verdean songs and gained popularity in the Cape Verdean community in Rotterdam.